

Oxfordshire Growth Board Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Advisory Sub-Group


HELD on Friday 18 December 2020 at 10.00 am

Virtual via MsTeams





Councillors , Colin Clarke, Jeff Haine, Alex Hollingsworth, Michele Mead (Chair),

Anne-Marie Simpson and Catherine Webber


Officers: Giles Hughes (West Oxfordshire District Council), Kevin Jacob,

Andrew Thompson, (Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Team) and Rachel Williams (Oxfordshire Plan 2050)




27         Apologies for absence and notifications of substitutes declarations of interest; Chair's announcements


Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillor Jeannette Matelot, Oxfordshire County Council.




28         Notes of the previous meeting


The notes of the previous meeting held on 19 November 2020 were agreed.




29         Report from the Heads of Planning on checking the consistency of the OGNA work with the Strategic Vision


Giles Hughes, Chief Executive West Oxfordshire District Council provided a verbal update from the latest Oxfordshire Heads of Planning meeting. This had considered and discussed the issue of whether any adjustments should be made in respect of the Oxfordshire Growth Needs Assessment, (OGNA) project brief considering the emerging Oxfordshire Strategic Vision work as requested at the last subgroup meeting. It had been decided to ask the OGNA consultants to look back on their work with reference  to the Vision to ensure consistency and that nothing in the OGNA might contradict with the Vision. The output of this could then be reflected upon.


In discussion, members of the subgroup also referred to the importance of both officer and councillor work around the Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy, (OxIS) and the Oxfordshire Plan being closely coordinated and the need to avoid infrastructure shaping the Vision when it was felt the Vision should frame future infrastructure requirements. Officers commented that both the OxIS and Oxfordshire Plan 2050 teams were working collectively as partners together to achieve the best outcomes possible and a strong evidence was being put together including the OxIS, but also other documents such as the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan.




30         Presentation on the mapping layers that have been developed to help refine and test options for the Oxfordshire Plan 2050


The subgroup received a detailed presentation on the evidence base and mapping layers that had been developed to date to refine and test different options for the Oxfordshire Plan 2050.  The presentation was structured around the evidence currently available to address each of the seven Strategic Vision outcomes, this included:


·           An update on Oxfordshire Strategic Vision work undertaken to date and engagement on the Vision via Oxfordshire Open Thought and with other stakeholders and partners.

·           Progress on the development of the evidence base for the Vision

·           An outline of outcomes for the Vision around the themes of Better Natural Environment, Successful & Sustainable Economy, Carbon Neutral, Quality Homes. Flourishing Communities, Happier, Healthier & Inclusive and Connectivity and Mobility.

·           Outline information on individual documents and components in progress to form the evidence base for each of the Vision outcomes including mapping documents for each component showing data across the county.

·           Next steps. 


Members of the subgroup welcomed the presentation as very informative and helpful and asked a series of detailed questions relating to individual Vision outcomes.


Following on from the earlier discussion of the need for work on OxIS and the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 to be closely coordinated, it was suggested that there could be added value in a one off joint meeting between the subgroup and the Infrastructure Subgroup to discuss the Vision and links to OxIS to seek to build a common understanding. This was supported by the subgroup Officers were asked to schedule a joint meeting.




31         Future meetings and work programme


The subgroup noted the dates of its future meetings as presented in the Agenda, noting that a joint meeting with the Infrastructure Subgroup would be scheduled in due course.





The meeting closed at 11.30 am